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Happy Easter Wallaby class! We made it! Well done on another successful busy week which was kicked off with a wonderful trip to Bath City Farm. The children had a fantastic time meeting lots of adorable animals, learning about them and getting the chance to feed them. There are lots of wonderful photos so we hope you enjoy looking through them and seeing what the children got up to. They made us very proud, and set a great example.

In English this week the children enjoyed listening to a story called ‘Saving Easter’ where the Easter bunny needed the children’s help to come up with ways she could save Easter. Once they came up with their ideas, they shared them and wrote them down. Upon return from the school trip, they enjoyed looking through the photos from the day and talking about their best bits and what they found out. This was a great focus for speaking and listening. The children really focused on answering in full sentences so that their peers could hear them clearly.

In maths, we have been learning all about length and height. Children compared the height of different objects and used vocabulary such as taller and shorter. They also measured the length of different objects around the classroom using non-standard measures such as cubes, links and blocks. It was great to hear comparative language being used.

In PSHE the children continued their work on looking after money and saving/keeping it safe. In RE children read the next part of the Easter story and created freeze frames to show different sections. They enjoyed talking about Easter and why they are excited which led on to understanding the meaning behind Easter and different symbols and what they mean/how they link to the story. This week in PE we played Easter themed games including egg and spoon race, a spin on the classic game duck, duck, goose but instead they used bunny, bunny, easter bunny. They enjoyed wearing the easter bunny headbands for this one! They also played toss the easter egg and finished with team games on the space hoppers. In topic they continued thinking about plants, in particular their life cycles. The week was rounded up with an Easter egg hunt and meeting the Easter Bunny and making yummy chocolate Easter nest cakes! They even had a special delivery from the bunny herself.

Enjoy a restful break everyone and see you in term 5! Happy Easter.

Wallabies term 4 week 6