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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 15th March 2024

Supertato and the Evil Pea present Jack and the Beanstalk

This week the children have had a great time listening to an alternative version of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children especially like the twist in the plot where Jack's mum also goes up the beanstalk. The funniest part of the story happens at the end when the evil pea (Jack) ends up with eggs all over his head because they weren't really golden eggs. You can watch the story by following the link below:

In our writing this week the children have been looking at what they would do if they had super powers. When working with an adult they have been thinking about things they can do now and not when they were a baby. They have been writing sentences such as 'I can chat a lot.' 'I can ride my bike' and 'I can jump high'. They also wrote about the Evil Pea's character. The children had great fun making superhero masks and telling each other what their powers would be. 

In our Maths Lessons, we have been learning about doubles and sorting. The children at the beginning of the week practiced sorting objects in different ways. Then we watched an episode of Numberblocks called Odds and Evens. The children compared the odd blocks with the even tops to discover that the even tops were all doubles because they had the same number in each column. We made the numberblocks using the unifix cubes and compared the similarities and differences. 

In our topic sessions, we have been thinking about the different parts of the plant. We were excited to see that our beans and sunflowers are growing. In our creative sessions this week, the children have continued to learn about printing. The children loved getting messy when creating their repeating patterns. Over the last week we have been practising a song all about a little bean that grows. 


 Finally, we had lots of fun on Red Nose Day - We put on another catwalk show and the children were very funny with the poses they chose to do. Thank you for all your donations. 

Kangaroos Term 4 Week 4

 If you haven't checked out Oxford owl for reading then I would recommend it as it has the book the children have been in reading in their group in addition to quizzes depending on your child's reading level. There is also the RWI blog which has links to different videos each week https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-15th-March-2024/

Upcoming events:

19th/20th March - Parent Consultation Meetings

20th March - Reception Height and Weight Checks

26th March - Reception visit to the Farm

27th March - Easter Egg Entries due in

27th March - Parent Celebration for Reception Classes

28th March - Non uniform day/Easter Egg Hunt/End of Term