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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 1st December

A festive feeling has began in Bumblebees class this week as Holly the elf made an appearance encouraging acts of kindness; the children were very excited.

The children have began a new topic in geography focusing on the weather, learning weather symbols and learning how our weather changes throughout the seasons. They became meteorologists and were even able to tell Mrs Bowyer when would be best to walk her dog.

In math's this week the children became experts at 3D shapes, naming them, counting the faces and edges and were even able to describe the 2D shapes they could see on the faces of 3D shapes. 

In their writing sessions the children wrote fantastic non-chronological reports about penguins using all the facts they have learnt. They then painted beautiful pictures of their penguins to add to their reports. Well done Bees!

Our younger children have been busy this week learning the story of The Gingerbread Man. They painted their own gingerbread men, decorated their own gingerbread men and enjoyed sensory exploration involving strong scents such as ginger. 

In addition to this they had great fun looking for the cheeky gingerbread man who had ran and hidden in our outdoor woodland area. Thank goodness they managed to find him!

We have heard some fantastic language from them from the story and some children have even managed to retell the story themselves. Super stars!

Quick reminders:

Please can all the children come in to school wearing warm clothing, hats, scarves, gloves and coats as we will be outside in most weathers.

Please can you begin to send in nativity costumes as we are able to store them. If you are having any difficulty finding anything, please do let us know. 

Can we have all reading books back into school daily so we can read their books with them. We also need library books to come back to school by Thursday please so we can change these. We are missing quite a lot of books, so please feel free to have a hunt and bring back any books you may have. Thank you.

Have a great weekend everybody and wrap up warm!