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Friday 22nd March

This week in Bumblebee class, we have been learning the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and have planned our own sequels to the story.  We were introduced to Rosie Red at the beginning of the week and she has now become the main character in our sequels.  We wrote character descriptions about her and thought about how she might help the Three Bears following their visit from Goldilocks.  We look forward to writing our own stories next week and hope to share them with you next week.

In maths, we have been revisiting addition and subtraction on a number line.  Mrs Watts was really proud of us and how we managed to solve all of the calculations that she gave to us.  We have also been learning about tally charts and pictograms and had great fun today finding out what the most popular flavour of ice cream was in Bumblebees and Honeybees.  We found out that bubblegum was the most popular flavour and vanilla was the least popular flavour.

In science, we have continued our learning about plants.  We did an experiment to find out how water travels through a plant and discussed why water is so important.  We looked carefully at the cress seeds that we have been growing and discovered that without water, the seeds would not germinate or grow.  Those seeds that had water but no sunlight were yellow and very spindly.  The cress seeds that received water and sunlight were healthy and green.  It was really interesting to see the differences between the seeds and it helped us to understand what plants need to help them grow.

The adults in Bumblebees were also really pleased to see us playing together this week.  We have been taking turns and sharing our resources and supporting each other to do challenging things such as threading.   Well done Bumblebees!

We finish for the Easter break on Thursday and return on Tuesday 15th April. Thursday is non-uniform day in exchange for a £1 donation.

Next week…

  • Monday – Parent Event 2.30pm
  • Tuesday – Year 2 scootability
  • Thursday – Easter Egg Hunt, non-uniform and last day of term