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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 22nd March 2024


Welcome to another busy week in Wallaby class. It was lovely to meet you all properly at parents evening.

The children have enjoyed reading The Enormous Turnip and Mr Wolf and The Enormous Turnip. This led to a discussion about similarities and differences in the two stories. The children enjoyed writing a recipe for a stew for the wolf, including frogs’ legs and spiders! The children predicted what might happen next. We found out that the wolf was kind and that it was the frog who was unkind when he turned back into a prince.

In PSHE we talked about money and where it comes from and why we need money. The children enjoyed using the musical instruments to accompany a piece of music about a cuckoo they had to play fast and slow as the tempo of the music changed.

We have been looking at the process of growing vegetables through to them being taken to the shops to buy. The children have also learned that some plants can be harmful to eat.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Parent Celebration Event next Wednesday.



Dates to remember:

Tuesday 26th March- Bath City Farm trip.

Wednesday 27th March-Parent celebration event.

Thursday 28th March- Break up for the Easter Holidays.

Wallaby Term 4 Week 5