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Friday 23rd February

Welcome back!  We hope you all had a good half term.

This week in Bumblebees we have been busy measuring objects around the classroom.  We have compared objects using the words 'taller than', 'shorter than' and 'longer than' and we have measured them using both non-standard units (cubes, paper clips etc.) and standard units (with rulers using cm and m).

We also started our new art topic this week.  We have looked at the artist Henri Rousseau and found out that his paintings were inspired by the botanical gardens and zoos in Paris, and although all of his paintings are of jungle scenes, he never actually visited the jungle!  

In English, we have been reading the story 'The Last Wolf'.  We discovered that it shared many similarities with the 'Little Red Riding Hood' story.   Today, we wrote book reviews about the story to help other to decide if they would like to read it our not.