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Friday 26th January

We turned into Historians this week and were learning about Florence Nightingale.  We found out that Florence was a Victorian nurse who went to help the soldiers who were injured in the Crimean war.  We discovered that  hospitals were once dirty, smelly places where people often died of infections rather than from their wounds.  Florence Nightingale  changed this and helped make hospitals into the clean, hygienic places that we know today.  We had great fun using drama to find out more about the Scutari hospital and enjoyed trying out our bandaging skills.  

In PE, we became superheroes!  We climbed walls (wall bars), slid along air vents (benches), walked over rooftops (upturned benches), jumped over cars (climbing horse) and went swinging through windows (ropes).  We also practised our throwing and catching skills.  We were challenged not to let the ball bounce on the floor.  Our highest count was 27 throws!

We enjoyed listening to a range of different poems at the beginning of the week and have explored syllables, Haiku's and rhyming words in our English lessons.  Next week, we will be writing some of our our poems using our favourite poem as a stimulus.

In our math's lessons we explored 2-digit numbers and had a go at making them using apparatus and identifying the number from a picture.  Some of the children also had a look at multiplying and dividing by 2.

Have a great weekend!


5/2/24 - 2:30-3:15 - Parent celebration event

9/2/24 - End of Term 3

19/2/24 - Start of Term 4