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Noah's Ark!

There is only one thing that can be talked about this week and that is our most amazing trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo. This was to reinforce all of our learning about Kenya and what could be found there. The children looked at the Big 5, a group of animals found in Africa. Along with looking at these we also saw, zebras, giraffes (Mrs Russam’s favourite), meerkats, bears and a selection of birds. There were just too many to mention.

The children could get incredibly close to all of the animals and it was great to actually be able to see them all. As always, they were an absolute credit to the school with their behaviour and manners. There aren't many pictures of the children as they were too busy having fun!

To follow up from the trip we have been drawing and researching the animals as well as looking at daily life in Kenya.

Important reminders…

  • - Mrs Millard will be in class on Friday
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday