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Successful Story Mappers and Skilled Science Explorers

Another busy week has been had in Panda class.  The children are really enjoying their swimming lessons and will be very sad to finish at the end of term.  For some it has been a real test of  courage and determination to overcome their fear of the water, while for others it has been a great opportunity to develop or improve a new skill. 

In English this week we have really enjoyed reading Jim and the Beanstalk and comparing it to a familiar traditional tale.  Here is a link if you would like to share it together at home.  https://youtu.be/IiizHAry5aU Panda class have been making some super story maps about the story, sometimes adding  time conjunctions and have been writing some wonderful noun phrases using a picture from the story.  We hope you enjoy looking at their lovely work.


Panda Jim and the Beanstalk writing



In Science we have begun a new topic all about How do plants grow best? We began by looking at the structure of plants and then used our observation skills to notice the differences between bulbs and seeds.  It is amazing how many different seeds and bulbs there are and even more mind blowing how many thousands of plants and flowers grow from such tiny seeds.  What am amazing world we live in! We were also really fortunate to have a visit from a lovely lady who owns a garden centre.   She came to share some of her wonderful  knowledge with the children and answer their really thoughtful questions.  We then continued to carry out an experiment back in class to find out which conditions a seed would grow best in; we made predicitons and now we are waiting to find out if what we predicted was correct!

I hope Panda class you are remembering to water your sunflower seeds and carnation or beans.  With lots of love and care, sun and water they should grow to become lovely healthy plants.  Remember you will need lots of patience as plants can take  a long time to grow!

Please remember to come to our parents consultation evening on Tuesday or Wednesday, where you will have the opportunity to browse through your children's books and enjoying celebrating their learning with them.  We look forward to seeing you. Have a lovely weekend x