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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

27th January 2023

Hello everyone. It’s amazing how quickly January is passing.’ We have had a lovely week in Ladybirds with lots of practical activities and great learning.

In Maths, Year 2 pupils have been introduced to the idea of multiplication. This has involved looking at equal and unequal groups, repeated addition of equal groups before we moved onto the multiplication symbol itself. The children have enjoyed drawing their groups and applying what they have found out to multiplication.

The Year 2s started their History topic ‘Why are the achievements of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole important?’ We started by finding out about Florence Nightingale’s early life and her determination to make a difference. The children were surprised by how dirty Scutari Hospital was during the Crimean War and thought carefully about the difference Florence made to the conditions on the wards.

In computing, Year 2s have continued to find out about the International Space Station. This week, we have been looking at what the astronauts need to survive and how sensors keep them safe. We read the temperature on thermometers.

The Year 1s have been developing their knowledge of the British Isles by investigating the foods coming from different countries. We found out what recipes were before cooking scones and shortbread on Tuesday and Wednesday. The children were very excited and loved measuring out the ingredients before mixing them together. I hope you enjoyed tasting the results of their hard work.

In PE, we developed the work on poses (balances) and travel the children had been looking at in dance and moved onto gymnastics. We discussed how poses could be developed for different apparatus and how to travel on and between different elements. The children were remarkably creative in their approach as you will see from the pictures.

In computing, the Year 1s have continued to work practically on programming.  This week, the children thought how to prepare a series of instructions to move a Beebot across a mat – specifying where they intended it to go. They worked with a partner to fix any errors.

Some of the children have changed RWI groups so reading books may have gone home on a different day this week. Please could you make sure that you continue to hear your child read every day and please ensure that reading journals and reading books are in school every day. I have sent home the Homework books the children have brought in containing details of the new topics.

Miss Linn will be leaving us next Friday as she reaches the end of her placement. The children have loved working with her and she will be greatly missed but wish her the best of luck in her next school. We will be making her a card in school next week.

PE continues to be taught on Thursday so your child will need to come to school in their PE kit on that day. Thank you.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday.

Mrs Harper, Miss Linn, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Ibbeken

Mrs Harper will be in class on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week and Miss Linn will be here on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Ibbeken will teach the class on Thursday.