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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

8th March 2024

Welcome to another week where we have been learning about how things grow and what they need to grow.

We have been reading a non-fiction book called A Beans Diary. We discussed what a non-fiction book will tell us and the difference between a non-fiction and fiction book.


The children imagined they had a friend who had never planted a seed before, they wrote instructions on how to plants a bean seed. We watched a time-lapse video of a bean plant growing and then pretended to be bean plants growing, we had to stretch up tall to reach the sunlight.

The children enjoyed making flowers with playdough and Duplo and we cut out some flower parts and placed them in the correct order to make a flower.


We have been learning about the word equal and that when 2 equal parts are put together they make a double. The children enjoyed using the resources in the classroom and worked with a partner to create equal parts.


We have been discussing how we can keep our home and classroom tidy, and that it is everyone’s job! (I wonder if you have seen this teamwork at home?)

We looked at the roots of a plant and talked about their job. The children enjoyed sucking (absorbing) water from a cup using a straw, just like the roots of a plant.

We enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day. The children did a fashion show of their costumes to the rest of the class.

Be sure to watch the video!

Wallaby Term 4 Week 3








 Coming up:
19th/20th March- Parents evenings. Please sign up for an appointment if you haven't already.
20th March - Weight and height checks.
26th March - Trip to Bath City Farm.