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A great start to the new year and the new term!

Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome back to Term 3. The children have settled back really well and have made a great start in our new topic of ‘Materials’ and with our new English book ‘The three little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’. 

We began the week re-enacting the traditional story of ‘The three little pigs.’ The children took on the character roles with finger puppets and lots of huffing and puffing could be heard around the room.  We then thought about the alternative story of ‘The three little wolves and the big bad pig’ and the children came up with lots of predictions before we shared the book.  The children created a story map and identified the similarities and differences between the two stories.  

In music we looked at the different ways in which we can use our voices creatively.  First, we listened to and then sang a traditional Bangladeshi rhyme about an imaginary bird called ‘Hattimatimim’.  We then performed a rap called ‘Hey, my name is Joe’ keeping time and rhythm by clapping our thighs and moving parts of our body.  As the pictures show, lots of fun was had.

We have returned to our normal PE lessons this term.  Outdoor PE on Monday and indoor PE on Wednesday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts / joggers for outdoor PE
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Plimsolls (daps)

This week the children practised their ball skills with a variety of different sized balls during our outdoor session before moving onto team games whereby the had to pass the ball through the while team using different passing moves.  Great teamwork and encouragement as always could be seen and heard.

We began our new topic ‘Materials’ this week.  We started with a material hunt around the school, we looked at the different properties of materials and discussed why materials are fit for their purpose.  We all agreed that a chocolate tea pot, glass hammer and cardboard shoe were not fit for purpose.  The children then carried out an experiment whereby they had to test a variety of materials to see if they could be bent, squashed, stretched or twisted.  We practised first with our bodies before moving onto the materials. Here’s a little song we listened to, to help us with our learning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOKr462HLc0

Instructions and how to follow them was the objective of our Computing lesson and the children showed fantastic active listening to give and follow instruction successfully.  As the pictures show there was lots of moving forwards, backwards, left and right!

Some children have changed RWI groups, please see the RWI blog to continue to support your child’s reading at home.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-11th-January-2023/

The weather has turned very cold, please ensure that your child has a warm and waterproof coat in school every day.  We go outside for all playtimes unless the weather is very wet.  Also, the children do not wear their outdoor shoes in class so please do send in slippers to keep those little feet nice and toasty.

Next week, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning.  Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk