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All about the Aquarium!

It was lovely to be in class last Friday and it gave me the rare opportunity to teach the children their computing and indoor PE. The children have been looking at how to take a good photograph and using different ways to balance along a line.

In Maths this week, the children were all looking at shape. They have been identifying 2D and 3D shapes and looking at their properties. English work has continued with our Penguin work and the children have been looking at writing non-chronological reports.

We had a super time on the trip this week. The children had the most fantastic time at the aquarium and their behaviour was absolutely amazing. They were exploring how the animals survive, had a go at feeing some of them and enjoyed looking at their habitats.

Just a reminder that PE kit is needed on a Wednesday and Friday with suitable footwear for PE.

Please check out the RWI blog to support your child with their reading at home.

Mrs Watts will be in Giraffe Class on Thursday and Friday next week.

Have a great weekend.