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Amazing Poems

The children are positively flourishing in class and it is wonderful to see the progress they are making.

In Maths we have been comparing amounts using the vocabulary of more and fewer. The children are fantastic at using the stem sentences to describe what they can see. The Year 1 children have been looking at teen numbers and made them using Base 10 and have even been writing them! The Year 2 children have worked on subtracting when they have had to exchange a 10. They have been brilliant at showing in pictures how to find the answer.

As part of our English work we have been continuing our work on ‘Where the Poppies now Grow’. The children have been reading acrostic poems and performing them to the class, then they have been writing their own. It wasn’t as easy as it looked.

In Science we have been looking at how animals, birds and amphibians are born or do they come from an egg? The children had to decide. We also spoke about parents and their babies. We were reminded that sometimes the babies don’t look like their mums or dads!

Next week we will be making some small musical instruments. If you have any small pots, egg cartons, milk cartons or old containers in your recycling they will be gratefully received!

Just a reminder that PE kit including trainers is needed on a Wednesday and Friday.

Mrs Watts will be in Giraffe Class on Friday next week.

Have a great weekend.