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Art and Maths!

It has been another really busy week in Firefly class.

We have begun a new topic in Maths of length and height. The children have been using rulers to measure in m and cm. They had a great time exploring the classroom using and reading the scales. They then moved on to looking at comparing two objects using the correct vocabulary of taller, longer or shorter.

During the afternoon work, the children have continued with their art topic. The beginning of the week saw them using pastels to create different techniques to colour their jungle animal. They then moved on to colour mixing different shades of green to help with the printing techniques to make the foreground for our jungle picture.

Next week, the children will be combining all of their skills to make the picture inspired by Henri Rousseau. It is going to be really exciting!

Thank you for everyone that attended parents evening this week. It was lovely to see you all. Just to reinforced we really would love for you to continue reading with the children. Under the ‘blog’ section of the website, there are links to each reading leaders’ activities. The children are welcome to watch these.  If you haven’t paid for the school trip please can you ensure this is done. It is going to be a fantastic day.

Next Week Mrs Ibbeken will be teaching on Friday. Miss Griffin will be in class all week supporting the children.