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Awesome Algorithms and Diligent Dividers

We have had another busy week in Panda Class and the children are really applying all of their wonderful learning to their work.  Today we have had lots of fun thinking about how we need to give and follow instructions in order to create algorithms.  We used the Bee-bots to help us put this to the test.  Panda class worked thoughtfully together to ensure everyone had a turn and had lots of fun creating and following algorithms.  

This week in maths the year 1 children have been finding the difference between two numbers and making the connection that addition is the inverse of subtraction.  They are working really hard using numbers to 20.  Great progress year 1, you are awesome mathematicians!  Year 2 have diligently working on consolidating their understanding of grouping and sharing; recognising and using the correct symbols to represent this. Great job year 2, well done!


Panda Beebots and maths sharing



Thank you to all of the parents who came to support our parent event where we demonstrated how the children learn phonics.  The children did a great job in demonstrating their learning of phonics and how quickly they can read words.  They have also worked really hard and enjoyed our final week of English, where they have adapted the story of the 3 little pigs or the 3 little wolves and the big bad pig, and made it their own.  What amazing writer you are!  Have a lovely restful weekend. You have earned it! x