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Brilliant Beetles

Beetle Class have had another fantastic week.  The children have demonstrated Excellence, Respect, Teamwork and Friendship throughout their learning and at playtimes .  

We have been busy in Maths partitioning 2-digit numbers using the dienes apparatus and recording pictorially with our partners. In PE, we all worked hard on our balancing skills even Mrs Jeffery challenged herself to give it a go too. The children shadowed each other's movements and showed great skill and concentration. 

In Topic this week, we have continued learning about plants and their life cycle. Some of us were surprised how tall a sunflower could grow to and how the flower head moves to always face the sun. We looked at various plant poems and bravely recited, in pairs, our poems to the whole class. 

During life skills, we explored emotions and how we can express them visually. We have thought about how we can be good friends by identifying and responding to each other's feelings. 

We have continued to enjoy sharing stories together at the end of the day, 'Mixed' by Arree Chung was a firm favourite.

We look forward to seeing you (those of you who can attend) at the Meet the Teacher event on Wednesday. 

Just a reminder, Mrs Jeffery will be in class; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Rockey taking Beetle Class on Thursday. 

Well done again Beetle Class.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Rockey and Miss Smith 


Beetle Week 2