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Brilliant Beetles!


What an exciting week the Beetles have had both at school and at Westonbirt Arboretum!

We had the most wonderful time at Westonbirt on Wednesday.  The children engaged with the outdoor learning from the start, and the rainy weather didn't dampen our fun.  They collectively made a 'conker' spiral, took on the life of a seed and became a living tree.  Our Leader was impressed with how much the children knew and could share with her.   The children collected many interesting leaves and autumnal falls which we will be looking at again in class next week.  Great teamwork and collective outdoor learning - well done Beetles!

In class, the children have been using atlases during geography to locate countries around the world and look at the different weather patterns other countries experience. On Wednesday, the children saw first hand the effects of seasonal changes during our trip to Westonbirt   They thoroughly enjoyed kicking up the leaves and finding shiny conkers.

In Maths, the children have been embedding their number bonds knowledge and finding fact families.  We have been singing the number bonds song to help us remember and using the apparatus to support our learning and methodical recording.

The children looked a the qualities of a good friend during Life Skills, and we are all trying really hard to show these qualities in class and on the playground.  

In PE the children continued to build on their balancing skills, this week balancing from a stationary position and a moving one.  They further challenged themselves to mirror each others balances.  

On Thursday, the children were coding during computing and built a algorithm using a loop with repetitive patterns.  The children held their breath and crossed their fingers as they tested an algorithm designed by one of the children.  A big celebrational cheer followed the successful coding!  Another example of great Beetle teamwork.

Parent's Evening is next Monday and Wednesday, if you haven't already signed up for an appointment time please do.  

Just a reminder, PE is on Tuesday and the children should come to school in their PE kit.

Mrs Jeffery will be in class; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Rockey taking Beetle Class on Thursday. 

Well done again Beetle Class.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Rockey and Miss Smith