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Cars, Cars, Cars!

What a bang! There is only one topic of conversation this week in class. 

This term Firefly class are looking at the History of cars and how they have changed over time. On Monday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Wordley and Jim who bought in their cars for us to look at. Mr Wordley let us sit in, pretend drive and explore his Ford Cortina and Jim gave us the opportunity to discover the features of Millie his Morris Minor. We were so lucky that we were actually allowed to sit on them, look at all their features and ask questions.

The children were amazing and so respectful. It was such a great opportunity and has set us up for our topic and school trip to the motor museum in two weeks. 

Please remember that on Friday afternoon it is Grandparent event which starts at 1.45 and the children have some lovely art work on display. 

Next week Mrs Russam will be in class on Monday - Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Mrs Watts will be in on Thursday morning and all day Friday. On Thursday we say goodbye to Miss Griffin our wonderful Bath Spa student as she leaves us a qualified teacher.