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Eager Explorers and Interested Investigators

The weeks are passing by very quickly but equally the amount of fantastic learning your children are doing and the rapid progress some  are making is outstanding.   Well done Panda Class for trying your best.

This week in Panda Class we have been continuing our learning about what animals and humans need to survive. We know that the basic needs of humans and animals are food, shelter, water and air.  We then thought carefully about how we can stay clean and healthy and the importance of hygiene. The children in Panda Class should now remember the importance of keeping their hands clean to avoid spreading germs- remembering to ALWAYS  wash their hands after going to the toilet. They should be keen to brush their teeth TWICE a day for TWO minutes to ensure their teeth stay  white and sparkly and to avoid getting nasty cavities; want to have a bath or shower to stay smelling clean and fresh and  know the importance of wearing clean clothes. This is also important after exercising; another part of staying healthy that we investigated this week.  We had lots of fun carrying out an experiment to find out what changes happen to our heart rate when we perform different exercises and how it benefits our bodies.  We now know that exercises that cause us to get out of breath and make our heart beat faster, helping our heart muscle to stay strong and it can help us feel happier too.  Finding our pulse however, was quite a challenge. See if you can measure it at home.

We started our new book in English this week ‘ The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins.  We learnt some interesting facts about how the Male Penguin looks after the egg, resting it  on its feet for two whole months until it is ready to hatch.  In that time it eats NOTHING! The children have worked really hard to remember that every sentence must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.  Every sentence must have finger spaces between the words  and sit on the line.  We have been trying to extend our sentences by using  noun phrases ( when we use an adjective to describe the noun)- . The penguin uses it large flippers and webbed feet to swim in the icy cold sea. We have also been trying to write longer sentences by using some conjunctions – and, but, so.




Please remember, library day is every Thursday so please return any borrowed books so that you can take home a new one.  New book bag books are changed every Friday but need to be in school daily please.  Your children would love to spend 5 minutes reading to your every night to help build up their speed, fluency and expression.  Please sign their reading record daily to show your support and help your child achieve 30 reads for a prize too!

Have a wonderful weekend together , especially if it is your birthday.  x