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Firefly Cars

It has been a hive of activity in Firefly Class this week. In Maths we have continued to work on our vocabulary of position and direction. We had a character called Ron and we had to move him to different parts of the grid giving clear instructions for our partner to follow. Then we took our learning outside and made our own grids with different place to direct our partner to,

As part of our DT we have made our cars. The children had to construct their chassis (a cardboard box), then attach the wheels to the axle. You could have heard a pin drop in the classroom the children we so engaged. Then came to fun part of decorating and adding the finer detail! It was so much fun and the children really enjoyed themselves. Next week we will be making a race track for them and bringing them home.

Next week Mrs Clifford will be in class on Wednesday and Mrs Watts on Thursday morning and all day Friday. With Sports Day being postponed this will now take place on Tuesday and non-uniform day on Thursday. 

Just a reminder that the Year 2 graduation takes place on Tuesday 25th July at 2.15 in the WCP. No younger siblings are allowed.

Have a great weekend.