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Florence Nightingale

The highlight of the week so far has to be a visit the Year 2 children had from Trowbridge Museum. We took part in 3 different workshops to help consolidate our understanding of our History topic about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. 

We met the real Florence and then children dressed up as a young Florence and Florence when she was a nurse. We then played a spin game to think about the different conditions Florence worked in, then we moved on to looking at some artefacts from the Victorian times. Some children were able to dress up. Then we moved on to look at Mary Seacole and her journey to the Crimea. The wonderful volunteers from the museum came in role and were amazed at the children's knowledge. It really brought the learning to life!

The photos are just a snippet of what went on, check out Ladybird and Beetle class blogs as they were part of the workshops also. 

Next week Mrs Russam will be in class Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Ibbeken Thursday (covering PPA) and Friday. Mrs Fitz Henry Roe will be in all week. Just a reminder there is a non-uniform day this Friday with a £1 donation and next Thursday as a special celebration event for the children.

Monday is the Year 2 parent event. Come and join us in class from 2.15!