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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

We are off to a flying start!

What a fantastic first week back we have had in Honeybees class. The children have settled back well into the routines of the school day and had lots of fun along the way.

This term we will be focusing on all things space themed in our topic 5,4,3,2,1 Blast Off! We kick started the week with our focus book, 'Roaring Rockets.' Using inspiration from the story the children have created moon boots, made rockets and painted fantastic starry creations to help them zoom off into space. In addition to this the children have invented rockets using play dough and different building blocks. They have been fantastic astronauts.

During our Attention Bucket sessions the children enjoyed watching swirly galaxies be created, comets be scattered and planets bounce off the page, the children's focus was fantastic!

In our rhyme time this week we have focused on well known rhymes such as I'm a Little Tea Pot, Humpty Dumpy and Five Fat Sausages. It was so wonderful to see the children joining in with the singing and actions alongside helping the teachers to pour cups of tea and eat delicious sausages.

In our math's work this week we have been learning to accurately count out a total. The children fed teddies cake totals and checked they hadn't given teddy too many or not enough. In addition to this they explored the Numicon and how this can make totals when they add them together. 

Keep up the hard work Honeybees! We look forward to reading the story The Smeds and the Smoos by Julia Donaldson and seeing what fantastic learning comes from this next week.

Have a fantastic weekend.

To note:

The children's PE this term will focus on body control through the use of Eurythmy. Eurythmy helps the children to gain control of their whole body, cross the mid line of their body and it is lots of fun. The children will be able to complete these sessions in their uniform and we will do these sessions on a Thursday.