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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 20 January

Hello everyone.



 We have had another busy and productive week with our Geography (Y1) and Science (Y2) topics involving practical activities as well as in Maths.

In Maths, Year 2 children have been continuing to learn about money calculating amounts and finding change using their addition and subtraction skills. We have been focusing on counting on and back in multiples of 10 and 5.  Year 1 pupils have been continuing to look at numbers to 20, using number lines and exploring the concept of one more and one less.

In Science the Year 2s have worked on the properties of Materials considering how these are suited to the uses they are put to. We carried out a practical fair test to investigate the most suitable material for a nurse’s uniform. To finish our topic, we have carried out a quiz and have explained how materials can be changed. We will be starting our History topic on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole this week.

The Year 1s have been continuing to enjoy travelling with Paddington to explore the four countries of the United Kingdom in our Geography topic. We have looked created posters about what can be found in Wales and enjoyed using the tablets to find out about Northern Ireland – researching the capital city and the landmarks to be found in the country.  Next week, we will be developing our knowledge of the four countries in the UK by cooking different dishes. We will be starting our first cookery at approximately 1.15pm on Tuesday next week. If any parents are available to help, please would you contact the office, who will pass on the message.

In PE, the children worked again with Mrs Ibbeken on Thursday to improve their dance sequences – choosing a waltz tune this week. They developed their standing and floor poses before thinking how they could join these with different methods of travel.

In computing, the Year 1s have loved our learning on programming.  This week, we developed our knowledge of precise instructions; the children went outside in groups of three with one child playing the part of the Beebot, one giving the instructions and one judging how well the instructions had been given and followed before they swapped roles.   The Year 2s have been working on how data and sensors are used in the International Space Station to give the astronauts everything they need to live. This week, we started to look at what astronauts might take to the ISS and explored how to use Scratch Junior to show a space bag.

Some of the children have changed RWI groups so reading books may have gone home on a different day this week. Please could you make sure that you continue to hear  your child read every day and please ensure that reading journals and reading books are in school every day. Homework books containing details of the new topics will be coming home at the beginning of next week.

PE continues to be taught on Thursday so your child will need to come to school in their PE kit on that day. Thank you.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday.


Mrs Harper, Miss Linn, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Ibbeken

Mrs Harper will be in class all week and Miss Linn will be here on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.