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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 30th June 2023

This week the children have enjoyed visiting their new classrooms for two afternoons. The children returned from their afternoon sessions filled with excitement and enthusiasm - They are all looking forward to Year 1!! 

Our topic this week has focused on sea creatures and coastal habitats. The children have enjoyed learning all about rock pools and the creatures they would find in them. In the creative area this week the children made their own paper plate rock pools and I think you'll agree they look fantastic.

Our caterpillars have started their next stage of development - They have spun their cocoons. The children were very excited to see them change. We discovered that the caterpillars have shed their skin five times when the process is complete. We are hoping we have some beautiful butterflies emerging soon. 

I have popped into the children's phonic sessions this week and it is lovely to hear them reading. The children are trying hard and if you would like to support them at home then please visit the RWI blog:


In our maths sessions, the children have enjoyed investigating numbers to 20. The children have played games which have helped them to understand how a two digit number is partitioned. We have also looked at estimating a number of objects and then counting them reliably. I think the children's favourite activity this week though was playing bingo! 

It was a very busy and enjoyable week - We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Dragonflies 30th June 2023

 Staffing for next week

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri – Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam

Tuesday – Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam


Upcoming Events

Every Wednesday Afternoon - Ice pops for sale

14th July - Sports Day

14th July - School Reports

20th July - Non-uniform day - £1.00 Donation

21st July - YR Parent Event @ 14.30

25th July - End of Term 6