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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 21 July

Hello everyone.

The last complete week of term with just two days to go. The summer is coming into view. It has been a gentle week with sports day happening eventually on Tuesday. The children threw themselves into the races and enjoyed cheering each other on.

We have been starting and finishing topics this week. Year 1s finished their Great Fire of London topic by creating a moving flame for their London pictures and then showed them off in the pictures and then completed their year-long topic on seasons with a week’s work on summer. We looked at summer postcards, wrote summer poetry and made spinning wheels asking questions about the different seasons. We rounded off our work on body percussion in music.

Both year groups worked on problem solving in maths, using number bonds to create triangles and looking at tangrams.

Year 2 children completed our DT topic on making moving model cars; we evaluated our models and tried them out on the playground by creating tracks and having races. We sang lots of songs in our class assembly on Tuesday.

We are looking forward to seeing Year 1 parents at the parent event on Monday afternoon and Year 2 parents at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday afternoon next week.

 Mrs Harper will be teaching on Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Lee

Ladybirds Term 6 week 7