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Friday 21st July 2023

Friday 21st July 2023

Sports day and Parent Celebrations

Wow the last full week of term went so quickly!! The children had a fantastic sports day on Tuesday. Mrs Bayley was really proud of all the children in Dragonflies for trying their best and for showing our values of respect, team work, friendship and excellence.

Our topic sessions focused on how to look after our environment. We started by reading the story, ‘Someone Swallowed Stanley.’ In the story a carrier bag ends up in the ocean and then washes up on the shore where a little boy turns it into a kite. This helped us discuss the issue of pollution and how we can help care for the environment. We used the book, ‘Michael Recycle’ to talk about recycling and the children were able to talk about the items of rubbish that could be recycled and made into something new.

The children finished their RWI sessions this week and we have to say how proud we are of their reading progress that they have made. If you would like to support your child’s reading over the summer then don’t forget to check out the RWI blog:


We have had fun with bubbles, the children enjoyed using different sized bubble wands to see who could make the largest bubble.  We even tried bubble painting to create an ocean background. The children then cut out a silhouette of a sea creature to add to the ocean background.

At the end of the week it was so lovely to see so many parents for our parent event. The children enjoyed making their sea turtles and lanterns. We hope you enjoyed the slideshow of all the memories we have created in Dragonfly class.

We have had the best year in Dragonfly class and we have enjoyed making lots of memories. It has been a joy to be part of your child’s learning journey and see the progress that each of them have made. We would like to thank you for your continued support and hope you have a lovely break when it arrives.

We have two days left next week and we look forward to celebrating the end of the year with the children.

We hope you have a lovely weekend

Miss Thrippleton, Miss Adlam and Mrs Bayley

As the end of the year approaches if your child has grown out of their school uniform and you would like to donate it then please hand it into the office.

We finish on Tuesday 25th July for the Summer Holidays at 15.15.

Dragonflies Last Week 21st July 2023