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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 23 June 2023

Hello everyone.

We have been busy with trips this week as you will see from our photos. The Year 1s visited Lacock to explore materials and historic houses while the Year 2s went to the Haynes Motor Museum as part of their ‘history of cars’ topic. The weather held for the trips and much learning went on, although you will see that the Year 1s also enjoyed their visit to the playground at the end of the day.

In Maths, Year 1s started to learn about time. We explored the idea of before and after as well as time connectives such as first, next, then and finally. We then sang songs to help us learn the days of the week and the months of the year. We had some interesting questions about gravity and how the earth orbits the sun, which led on to leap years. We started to think about how most months have 31 days and looked at the poem ‘30 days hath April, June and November’.

Year 2s have been investigating capacity and looking at litres and millilitres. It has involved practical work with different sized containers and a lot of water.

Year 1 children started their history topic on the Great Fire of London this week. We watched films about the causes of the fire and have started to think about the reasons it spread. It was interesting seeing the narrow streets in Lacock although most of the houses were built of stone. In !660s London, most houses would have been made of wood with thatched roofs.

Year 2s have finished their topic on the history of cars by looking at how the way cars are powered has changed over the years and the reasons for this. We have looked back at what we have learned over the topic; this was reinforced by the visit to the Motor Museum.

In Music, Year 1 children have continued their work on body percussion. We watched a film on how objects found in the kitchen could be used to create an interesting rhythm before experimenting with things we found in the classroom.

We are looking forward to spending time in our new classes next week. Please could you remember to send your child in with a sun hat every day and to apply sun screen. There have been a couple of cases of head lice, so please could you check your child’s hair and treat if necessary.

Mrs Harper will be teaching on Monday, Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Lee