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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 23rd February 2024

I hope you all had a lovely half term break. The children have settled in well after the break. We have started our new topic ‘Lets grow’ which has produced some super discussions about different things that grow.

English: We have been reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and talked about how a traditional tale has been around for a long time. The children have enjoyed joining in with the story, especially the ‘fee, fi, fo, fum’ part! The children drew their own giants and wrote a description, using their phonics knowledge and Fred fingers. The children enjoyed acting out the story and performing as one of the characters. They have independently used the resources in the classroom to build castles and vehicles for jack to use to escape from the giant!

Maths: The children have been learning that if we add one more to a number, it gets bigger. WE used cubes to show that a smaller number can ‘hide behind’ a bigger number, the children had to decide whether a teacher could hide behind a child and why/why not. The children enjoyed using a ‘maths pizza’ to add toppings and sneakily take toppings away and notice whether there were more or fewer. The children also drew around their feet, cut them out and compared them to others to see who had the biggest footprint!

Music: The children particularly enjoyed music this week. We listened to a beautiful piece of music called ‘Saint Saen-carnival of the animals- Lions. The children had to listen and guess what animal was being depicted. WE listened to what instruments we could hear. WE then went outside to stand quietly with our eyes closed and listened to what sounds we could hear; the train gave us a hoot which excited the children!  We concluded by discussing what sounds we like and dislike.

Topic: We read the story ‘The Tiny Seed’. The children learned that seeds are not always planted by us, and that they are carried by the wind, insects and birds. We talked about what happens when a flower is picked. The children loved planting some cress seeds and are very excited to watch it grow!

Art: The children have produced some fantastic observational drawings of daffodils, they are amazing! They really took time to look at the flowers and thinking about what to draw.

Have a lovely weekend!

Wallabies term 4 week 1