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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 23rd February 2024

Fee fi fo fum...Kangaroos are back in school!!!

This week the children have loved reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Throughout the week the children have been learning to read the story by heart. It's great to see their expressions change for the characters and to hear the deep giant voices roar fee fi fo fum. The children have enjoyed creating beanstalks and magic beans in the creative area as well as building beanstalks and castles in the construction area. For our writing this week the children had to think about what the giant would eat for his dinner and at the beginning of the week they drew and described the giant. 

In our maths lessons this week the children have looked at ordering numerals. Following on from an episode, 'Peek a boo' the children thought about which friends would be able to hide them and which wouldn't. We then applied this to which numbers would be able to hide behind six. It was great to see the children reasoning, Number 7 can not hide behind 6 because they are taller than 6. On Friday we played a game, I pretended to have a pizza the children subitised the number of counters on the pizza then I either took some toppings or added some more. The children had to say if there were more or fewer toppings. 

In our topic sessions this week we have been thinking about growing. We went on a walk around school looking for signs of spring and new growth. The children then had a go at creating blossom trees and also made kites to fly. We have planted some cress seeds and we look forward to seeing them grow. We added silly faces to the plant pots so the cress will look like hair. The children have absolutely loved playing in the Garden Centre role-play area and sharing their knowledge of plants. 

This week the children have come home with a library book and a new school book. School books are changed every Friday so please can we ask these are returned. Tuesday is our new library day for this term. If your child has a library book then these will be due in on the Tuesday. 

Whilst it was a miserable rainy week the children had lots of fun and I hope that you all have a lovely weekend. 

Please remember to check out the RWI blog to support your child's reading development. 



Kangaroos Term 4 Week 1


Upcoming events for next half term:

7th March - World Book Day - Dress as a word

15th March - Red Nose Day - Wear something red and a donation

19th/20th March - Parent Consultation Meetings

20th March - Reception Height and Weight Checks

26th March - Reception visit to the Farm

27th March - Easter Egg Entries due in

27th March - Parent Celebration for Reception Classes

28th March - Non uniform day/Easter Egg Hunt/End of Term