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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 23rd June 2023

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside…

This week we continued our learning linked to the seaside. The children enjoyed listening to the stories, ‘Commotion in the ocean’ and ‘What the Ladybird heard at the seaside’. The children shared their experiences of visiting the beach with each other and have had lots of fun with beach related activities in the environment.

We had a special delivery this week with the arrival of five tiny caterpillars and the children were excited to find them in the classroom. The children talked about what would happen to the caterpillars and they are looking forward to observing the changes over the next couple of weeks.

In our Maths learning the children have been learning about numbers to 20. We are working really hard on counting forwards and backwards to and from 20. The children have used the numicon and tens frames to talk about how a two-digit number is made. At the end of the week the children practised their estimating skills to say how many objects they could see. 

If you would like to support your child’s phonic knowledge then please look at the Read Write Inc Blog:


On Thursday we went to the beach and had the best trip ever according to the children. It was such a joy to see the children laughing and splashing in the sea. We were fortunate to have a visit from the lifeguards who talked about their role on the beach and how we could stay safe during our visit.

Dragonflies Beach 2023

We had a great week and I was so proud of all the dragonflies for their exemplary behaviour on the beach.

Have a lovely weekend.


Staffing for next week

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri – Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam

Tuesday – Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam


Upcoming Events

Every Wednesday Afternoon - Ice pops for sale

27th/28th June - Transition Afternoons for year R children to move up to year 1. 

14th July - Sports Day

14th July - School Reports

20th July - Non-uniform day - £1.00 Donation

21st July - YR Parent Event @ 14.30

25th July - End of Term 6