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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 3rd March 2023

Friday 3rd March 2022

This week, Dragonfly class had a parcel delivered and inside there were lots of little packages. The children had to guess where the package had come from and what animals the zoo might send. Inside the parcel was our story of the week, ‘Dear Zoo’. The children used the books as inspiration to make their very own books. The children also enjoyed turning their hand prints in to zoo animals.

Dragonflies Dear Zoo

This week in our maths learning we looked at Height, Length and Time. The children enjoyed comparing the heights and lengths of different objects. The children used language such as taller than and shorter than to compare the heights of objects around the classroom. When measuring the length of objects, the children investigated using non-standard measures such as cubes and paperclips. At the end of the week we practiced the days of the week song. You can practice at home if you would like by following this link:


The children also sequenced Mr Wolf’s week thinking carefully about the activities Mr Wolf did on the different days.

Dragonflies Maths 3rd March 2023

We went on a virtual visit to the zoo this week. The children have enjoyed watching the live feeds from Edinburgh Zoo and I promised them I would add a link so they can view them from home as well:


On Thursday, we celebrated world book day and it was a joy to see so many costumes and interesting words!! The children took part in a vocabulary parade in class sharing what word the word they had dressed as.

Dragonflies Book Day 2023


Remember our RWI blog is updated weekly if you would like to support your child with their reading development.


We still need a couple of volunteers for the trip so please let me know if you are able to help.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to learning all about Farms next week.

Staffing Next Week:

Mon, Wed, Fri – Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam

Tuesday – Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam

Thursday -Supply Teacher and Miss Adlam


Upcoming Events

 7th March – Height and Weight checks for Reception pupils

 15th March – School Trip

 20th March – Reception children’s Mother’s Day Assembly

 20th March – Year R cake sale

 23rd March – Non uniform day - £1.00 Contribution

 31st March – Easter Egg Hunt

 31st March - End of Term 4