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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 5th May 2023

Friday 5th May 2023

Wow what a week! The children have had a fun filled week preparing for the King’s Coronation. We spent the week creating crowns, writing invitations and making rice krispie cakes for the tea party we held on Friday. The children have enjoyed learning about the royal family and the importance of the coronation. We went back in time to watch the coronation of Queen Elizabeth so the children could see what the ceremony would be like on Saturday. Throughout the week, we have enjoyed stories such as ‘The Kings Pants’ and ‘The Kings Hats’. The children enjoyed predicting what might happen in these stories and joining in with the repeated refrains. In the construction area, the children have been attempting to recreate Buckingham Palace and they have also enjoyed playing with our toy castle to tell stories involving kings, queens, knights and dragons. On Friday, the children loved the English Country Dancing Workshop that they took part in. They listened carefully and created a wonderful dance. It was a joy to see so many smiling faces as the children danced along in time to the music. On Friday, all of the children took part in their very own coronation ceremony where they became the kings and queens of Dragonfly class. The children then enjoyed celebrating their coronation with a tea party.

Dragonflies Celebrations

In our Maths sessions, the children have been learning about odd and even numbers. The children played a game where some children danced in the middle and then had to pair up. If each person could be paired up the children could say it was an even number. If there was a child on their own, the children recognised it was an odd number. As part of our learning, the children watched the episode, ‘Odds and Evens’ from Numberblocks. The children could recognise which numberblocks were even and which were odd. As a challenge, the children needed to sort the numicon into odd and even numbers. They did this amazing well and enjoyed taking part in the challenge.

Dragonflies Maths 5th May 23

We only had two sessions of Read, Write Inc this week so if you would like to consolidate your child’s knowledge then please check out the Read, Write Inc blog:


Remember we are changing the children’s reading books every Friday so please send in their reading diary and book every Friday.

Upcoming Events:

8th May Bank Holiday

11th May Class Photos – Children to be in school uniform

15th May Bag2school Collection

19th May – Big Raffle

24th May – YR parent celebration 2.30pm

26th May -non-uniform day - £1.00 donation


Staffing for Next Week

Tuesday – Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam

Wed, Thurs, Fri – Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam