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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 6th May

Friday 6th May 2022

Victoria Art Gallery – Please see more photos of our trip to the Art Gallery.

Victoria Art Gallery Part 2

 This week we looked at the story ‘When we grow up we want to be’. The children thought about all the different roles in the story and then shared what they would like to be when they get older. Alongside the story we also looked at different roles in the community and the children were challenged to create a puppet of someone who helps others. There were some fantastic puppets produced.

In maths, this week the children have continued learning numbers beyond 10. We have played bingo with numbers to 20 and looked at how to count up to 20 objects reliably. The children listened to the story ‘One Moose and Twenty Mice’ and then made the numbers on tens frames to consolidate their understanding.

This week we were very lucky to have Miss Thomas come and visit the class. She taught the children to become Emotion Superheroes. The children had to complete three levels of training in which they recognised and talked about different emotions. Through drama, Miss Thomas was able to present scenarios to the children that required them to think about how someone was feeling and what we could do about it. Following the drama session the children took part in some art work representing anger, happiness, calm and sad.

In art, the children have started to create a self-portrait. The children have painted outlines of their faces and hair. Next week, the children will be adding facial details to their self-portraits using pastels. We can’t wait to see the finished product.  

Next week, we will be looking at the story Supertato and the children will be learning about healthy lifestyles.

Staffing for the week ahead:

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri – Miss Thrippleton, Mrs Smith and Mrs Donnelly

Tuesday – Mrs Bayley, Mrs Smith and Mrs Donnelly.


Class Photograph Day – Thursday 12th May

NEW RWI Blog - If you would like to support your child's phonic knowledge then check out the blog set up by Mrs Macfarlane:


Dragonflies 6th May