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Friday 9th February 2024

Happy Half Term!!

It was wonderful to start the week with a parent celebration. It was lovely to see so many parents in the classroom helping the children with their creative learning linked to space. I think the favourite activity was creating the straw rockets that could shoot across the classroom. 

This week in our English lessons the children have been looking at the story 'The way back home.' This inspired us to think about how we could travel into space. The children were set the challenge to think of a way to travel into space. We had lots of great ideas including flying houses, flying beds, flying boats, jet packs etc. The children then had to create a map of what they might see on their way up into space combining their learning from the local area. We created maps of our journeys as a class and labelled the places that we would see. It was great to see the children thinking carefully about the different places and landmarks that they would see. 

In our maths learning this week we have been looking at one more or less than a number as well as ways numbers could be partitioned such as 5+1=6, 5+2=7. 5+3=8 etc. The children had fun building the numbers using the cubes and playing games of flashy fingers were the children showed a number on their fingers and the other person had to say what that number was. As a warm up the children have been practising their counting skills we played games where the children had to carry on counting from different numbers. 

In our Topic lessons we continued to look at space. The children looked at life on board the international space station. We discussed how the space station was different/similar to life on Earth. We also investigated forces such as push and pull so that the children could understand the concept of gravity. At the end of the week the children were excited to make rockets from junk materials.

That's another fun packed week finished and a great way to end for half term. We hope that you have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing the children again on 19th Feb. 

We have collected in the children's reading books for half term so why not use oxford owl to read the books available on there as well as watching some videos from the RWI blog: https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/RWI-Blog/

Kangaroos Term 3 Week 5


Upcoming events for next half term:

7th March - World Book Day - Dress as a word

15th March - Red Nose Day - Wear something red and a donation

19th/20th March - Parent Consultation Meetings

20th March - Reception Height and Weight Checks

26th March - Reception visit to the Farm

27th March - Easter Egg Entries due in

27th March - Parent Celebration for Reception Classes

28th March - Non uniform day/Easter Egg Hunt/End of Term