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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 9th June 2023

Dragonflies had a fantastic first week back from the holidays. The children were keen to share their holiday news. The children have spent the week creating self portraits learning all about the different features on their face. The children created their pictures by using brusho as a wash then painted their face and added the finer details using pastels. I think you'll agree the children did an amazing job when you see their pictures. 

We started to think a bit about the topic at the seaside. The children were excited to play with the airport and the beach scene that we set up. It was lovely to watch the children recount their experiences of the beach to each other whilst playing. We are currently encouraging the children to tell stories when they are playing. 

In the maths this week, we continued the theme of 'First, Next and Now' but with a greater focus on subtraction. The children enjoyed listening to the story, 'The shopping basket'. The children thought about the items that the boy collected from the shop and discussed what happened to them on the way home using first, now and next. The children have also use the numicon to investigate addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to six. 

We ended the week by inviting in Grandparents for an afternoon of art which was delightful. It was great to see so many grandparents. Thank you so much for all those parents/grandparents that purchased the art work. The funds raised will help to subsidise the school trips we go on. 

The weather is getting a lot warmer and the children are enjoying time outside for longer periods of time. Please make sure you send your child to school with a sunhat and with sun cream applied.

Should you wish to support your child's reading development then please check out the RWI Blog:


Dragonflies Term 6 Week 1 2023

 Staffing Next Week

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri - Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam

Tues - Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam

Note: I will be out some of the time for subject leadership/phonics screening checks during these times the children will be looked after by Mr Brewer and Mr Horniman.

Upcoming Events:

Every Wednesday Afternoon - Ice pops for sale

16th June - Colour Run

22nd June - School Trip to the Beach - Volunteers needed

27th/28th June - Transition Afternoons for year R children to move up to year 1. 

14th July - Sports Day

14th July - School Reports

20th July - Non-uniform day - £1.00 Donation

21st July - YR Parent Event @ 14.30

25th July - End of Term 6