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This is the final blog post of the year, and what a year it has been. Nothing could have been possible without the hard work and support you have given the children. 

The week started brilliantly with an amazing sports day. All of the children were brilliant and really got into the spirit of the morning. 

We then continued our day by testing the cars we had made in our DT sessions. The children had great fun making racetracks and ramps to have races. We did have to have a makeshift garage for running repairs as we went through the afternoon!

Part of our maths has been consolidating our learning and have been putting our problem solving skills to work. We have been looking at making one big triangle from smaller triangles. All of the parts joining had to add up to 10. It wasn't as easy as it looked and we had to really think about our number bonds. 

Next week we finish on Tuesday. The Year 2 graduation takes place in the WCP at 2.15. Due to safeguarding reasons we cannot allow photographs to be taken of the ceremony. 

If I don't get the opportunity to see you, have a super summer and good luck to Firefly Class in Year 3. They will be fantastic.