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Gorgeous Giraffes

The children in Giraffe Class are going from strength to strength. They are amazing learners.

It has been another busy week in the class and they have taken everything in their stride.

At the end of last week, the children had the opportunity to take part in a glass workshop. This reinforced their learning as part of our art topic on sculpture. The minibeast figures have been taken back to be heated before the children will be able to bring them home. The next step for us in class was to begin making our own leaf structures inspired by our trip to Westonbirt. The children designed their leaves and then used carboard to cut them out, then they were able to decorate them in the most abstract way they could! It was the most fantastic afternoon and the children were certainly very creative!

In Maths, the children have been using their number bonds to help them find the parts and wholes. They have had to work systematically to make sure they had them all. The Year 2 children then had to apply their knowledge to help them with their related facts.

The children positively blew me away with their writing this week. They have taken EVERYTHING on board that we have been looking at this term to write the most beautiful character descriptions. There were some lovely conjunctions, noun phrases, similes and use of descriptive language.

Just a reminder on PE days, the children need to be wearing a white t-shirt, school jumper and either shorts or joggers.

On Monday afternoon it is our parent event at 2.30. Looking forward to seeing you all there.