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Ladybird Class 10th February

Hello everyone. Ladybirds have had a busy end to this term. We have been working hard to finish off our topics and welcomed you in for our Parent Celebrations – please look on Beetle’s blog this week for the Year 2 photos.

In Maths, Year 2 pupils have been investigating doubles and halves and odd and even numbers before moving on to looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and solving problems involving the 2x and 10x tables.

The Year 2s finished their History topic by looking at the most important events in Mary Seacole’s life before considering why the achievements of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were so important.  In computing, Year 2s have continued to find out about the International Space Station. This week, we have been looking at ‘Goldilocks’ planets – those where temperature and size allows liquid water and therefore the possibility of life.

In Maths, Year 1s have been working on subtracting numbers to 20 by counting back and by finding the difference before moving on to look at fact families and missing number problems.

The Year 1s have been carrying on with their DT topic in cookery based on foods from around the UK. We chose to make sweet or savoury scones when parents came in. Even thought the scones took some time to cook, the children enjoyed tasting them.

In computing, it has been Internet Safety Week and both year groups looked at how to keep safe and happy while using the Internet. We made leaflets offering advice to other children on how to ask trusted adults if anything made them feel or unsafe. The Year 2s went on to look at how to create a strong password.

Year 2s made their own untuned instruments using recycled materials. Two children brought in instruments they made at home, which was great to see.

We had a great time watching Mr Bubbleman on Thursday and very much enjoyed our ice creams.

Have a wonderful half term break and we look forward to seeing you all a week on Monday.

Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Ibbeken

Mrs Harper will teach Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Ibbeken in class on Thursday.