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Ladybird Class 25th March

Hello everyone.

We had a lovely time at the Easter Service in the Church yesterday and very much enjoyed the Mother’s Day services on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Both Year 1 and Year 2 pupils have carried on with our Science topics. Year 1s have been investigating the parts of flowers and trees and have looked at deciduous and evergreen trees. We will need to look further at the different leaves once they have grown. We have also been looking at the changes in our bean seeds. Next week, we will be presenting our knowledge of what we have learned in ‘sunflower’ facts.

Year 2s have been looking at habitats and went outside to look at microhabitats – our Year 2 photos this week show these habitats. We thought about what these habitats are like and what sort of creatures live there. Next week, we will be continuing to look at how different living things adapt to their habitats.

In Maths, Year 2s have been continuing to learn about fractions of shapes while the Year 1s have been measuring the mass of different objects using non-standard units

In Life Skills Year 1 children have been looking at money and how we keep it safe and Year 2s have been looking at how we keep ourselves safe in different scenarios. In PE, the children continued their work on coordination and ball skills.

Next week, we are looking forward to the last week of term and our end of term Easter celebrations.



Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Lee

Mrs Harper will be in class all week.