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Ladybird Class - 3rd February

Hello everyone. Ladybirds have had a great start to February and are looking forward to the last week of this half term.

In Maths, Year 2 pupils have been carrying on with their learning about grouping and sharing. We have worked practically with objects before moving on to pictures and written multiplication and division calculations based on the 2 times table.

The Year 2s continued with their History topic ‘Why are the achievements of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole important?’ and very much enjoyed their workshop with visitors from Trowbridge Museum, who brought in clothes and artefacts from Victorian times and brought the characters of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole to life.

In computing, Year 2s have continued to find out about the International Space Station. This week, we have been looking at experiments carried out in space and how to create an algorithm to grow plants in space.

In Maths, Year 1s have been working on understanding numbers to 20 including one more and one less and using number bonds to add and subtract. On Friday, they started to look at how to find doubles of simple numbers.

The Year 1s have been carrying on with their DT topic in cookery based on foods from around the UK. They investigated sweet and savoury recipes and cooked soda bread from Northern Ireland as well as cheese and leek muffins from Wales. They looked at the claw and bridge technique to help them chop vegetables safely.

In PE, we carried on working on the apparatus with Mrs Ibbeken on Thursday. The children developed their balances and used rolls and other ways of travelling between different areas.

In computing, the Year 1s have continued to work practically on programming.  This week, the children based their programming on the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. They had to consider the whole algorithm and move their Beebot efficiently to reach a desired space.

Some of the children have changed RWI groups so reading books may have gone home on a different day this week. Please could you make sure that you continue to hear your child read every day and please ensure that reading journals and reading books are in school every day. I have sent home the Homework books the children have brought in containing details of the new topics.

On Thursday next week, Year 2 pupils will be making their untuned instruments. Any cardboard boxes or kitchen roll/tin foil rolls would be gratefully received.

We were very sad to see Miss Linn go on  Friday as she has reached the end of her placement. The children in Year 1 have enjoyed working with her and all pupils will miss her. We wish her the very best in her next placement.

We will be looking forward to welcoming parents into school for Parent Celebrations at 2.15 on Monday (Year 2s) and Tuesday (Year 1s)

Due to a surprise event for the children next Thursday, the Hall will be in use so we will not be doing PE that day. The children will be able to come in non uniform with no contribution needed.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday.

Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Ibbeken

Mrs Harper and Miss McVeigh will be in class all week.