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Last week of term for Leopards

What a busy final week of term! 

First of all, the children completed their final swimming lesson on Tuesday afternoon. They have all worked so hard and it was a pleasure to see all of the children gain confidence in the water. Thank you again for all of the amazing parents who helped each week.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our parent event this week. The children have fully embraced the History topic and have loved learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We had a super time making medals and think about who we were making the medal for and significant pictures that could go onto them.
In addition, we were visited by Sister Amy who told us about her job as a nurse and what nursing is like.

In English, the children used their knowledge of our history topic and past tense verbs to help write a recount about the visitors from Trowbridge museum. 

During Maths, Year 1 children have been revising making fact families and Year 2 consolidating their multiplication and division skills by practising different methods to answer questions and solve word problems.

The children enjoyed using the Bee-Bots in computing, giving it instructions to travel to different places, like the park and football stadium.

We also said goodbye to the amazing Mrs Khatri. She has been on placement with us since September and is going to a new school to continue her training. It has been a pleasure working with her and we wish her all the luck in her career as a teacher!


Hope you all have a lovely half term!


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)




-We return on Monday 19th February. Children will need PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays (as before). 

-Mrs Millard will be teaching Leopard Class on the Thursday.