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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Learn, Laugh, Leopards

What an amazing first week of the year for Leopard Class!

The children have made a great start to Year 1 and Year 2. They all came in positively, worked really hard and demonstrated fabulous behaviour :)

The children learned information about leopards and worked in groups to record ideas about what they look like, where they live, how they behave and what they eat. Then, they wrote sentences to show their understanding.

In maths, we began our learning of place value. We counted and ordered numbers to 20, representing each number with different apparatus. Year 1 sorted objects, counted accurately and represented numbers. Year 2 identified and represented numbers, showing tens and ones.

We started English this week and the children have really enjoyed looking at the story- 'The Bog Baby'. We are going to continue our work on this story in the next couple of weeks.

In science, our topic question is 'Who lives here and why?'. In our first lesson, the children sorted things into whether they are alive, never been alive or dead. They used their understanding of MRS GREN to explain their placements. Then, we looked at different habitats. We thought about what they were like and what lived in each one. The class shared their understanding by working together and recording them on mind maps.

In PE, the children began the lesson by skipping and then completed team building activities.

Our PE days are Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please send the children in on these days in their PE kit. This includes:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts (or joggers for outdoor PE)
  • Plimsolls (daps)

Please ensure that your child’s uniform, including hats and lunchboxes, are labelled – it really does make it easier to identify and reunite children and their belongings.  Thank you 😊

Well done again Leopard Class, what a warm but fantastic first week!


Hope you have a lovely sunny weekend.

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



We have an optional drop in session on Wednesday 13th September for you to come into class and meet the teacher.  The session will be from 3.15pm – 3.45pm