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Leopards Hunting for Micro-habitats

Another busy week for Leopard Class.

To continue with our science topic the children identified different local habitats, such as woodlands, coastal, urban and pond. The thought about what it was like there and what lived in each habitat. Then, we looked at micro-habitats. The children learned what they are before going for a walk around the school to explore the conditions and types of animals and plants that lived in each.

In PE, the children completed different balances and worked with a partner to mirror their poses. They worked as a team in outdoor PE to race using hula hoops before travelling across the playground, only using spots to stand on.
Just a reminder, our PE days are Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor).

Year 1 have been continuing to represent their understanding of numbers to 10, in maths, by finding one more, one less, great, fewer and the same. Year 2 have partitioned tens and ones of a 2-digit number, using a place value chart and part whole. Then, they challenged themselves to partition in more than one way.

In English, we have continued to look at the book 'Bog Baby'. The children acted out the events of the story and have sequenced pictures in their books. We have worked hard at using picture prompts to learn and remember the story and we have used this to support us in beginning to write our own story.

Well done for another fantastic week Leopards!


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



  • Mrs Watts will be teaching Leopard Class on Thursday this week.
  • Water bottles are not needed in school as cups and water is readily available.
  • As the children remove their outdoor shoes when inside the school building each child is able to keep a pair of slippers in school to wear inside the building. Please ensure slippers and shoes are named as many children wear the same style and size. If your child prefers not to wear slippers, that is fine. They will still remove their outdoor shoes and wear their socks/tights.