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Lots of Learning for Leopards!

Wow, what a busy week! Leopard Class was in full learning mode as we completed so much this week. 

To start off, we had RE and indoor PE. In RE, we looked at retelling one of Jesus' stories in our own way by using examples we come across in school. Lots of the children retold 'The Good Samaritan' by thinking about helping someone falling over or not having anyone to play with. They did a great job of creating a storyboard to show their story. Later in the week, we had a visit from Reverend Rebecca from All Saints Church.  She spoke to the children all about kindness and shared the story of The Good Samaritan. The children shared their learning from our RE lessons with her and were able to explain that everyone is our neighbour. 

In indoor PE, the children continued improving their skills in balancing by using bigger apparatus. They used the climbing frame to hold balances and the horse to balance and jump at height. They all worked well to apply their knowledge of keeping still and bending their knees to land. In outdoor PE, we looked at aiming and throwing towards different targets, this started at a spot, before having a go at throwing towards a partner, through a hoop and at a target.

In maths, Year 1s have been counting on and back, finding one more and one less, ordering and comparing. They have become amazing mathematicians and are working hard to explain how they know. Year 2s have been counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s this week. It would be great to continue this at home e.g. counting up and back in different amounts travelling up the stairs or throwing a ball etc. 

In English, we came to the end of our learning and writing about 'The Bog Baby'. The children remembered to apply full stops, capital letters, the connective 'and' and 'ed' endings which was great to see.


Next week:

The children started their art topic this week, learning about the American sculptor Alexander Calder. We look forward to having a glass workshop next week (Year 1s on Monday afternoon and Year 2s on Thursday afternoon) to make our own mini-beast to contribute towards a whole class mobile.

We have class trip to Westonbirt Arboretum on Wednesday.  We will be leaving school at 9am sharp and returning by 3pm.  The children will be outside all day so please ensure they are dressed appropriately in comfortable trousers and their school jumper/ cardigan.  The will need to wear suitable footwear for the woodland (wellies or trainers) and a waterproof coat.  All children will be provided with a packed lunch and bottle of water, but they will need a small backpack to carry everything in.  We are really looking forward to the trip and thank you in advance to all our parent helpers who are supporting us on this trip.

Parents evening is next Tuesday and Wednesday, almost everyone has already signed up for an appointment, if you haven’t I will be outside the classroom on Monday morning and afternoon with the list.  Thank you.

Mrs Watts will be teaching Leopard Class on Thursday as Miss McMillan will be out for her planning time. 


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)