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Magnificent Meerkats!

Another magnificent week for Meerkat Class! In English, we began the week creating our own Bog Babies.  The children choose features to create their own unique Bog Baby.  Later in the week we drew a home for our Bog Babies and the children wrote some fantastic sentence using similes to describe their Bog Baby.  We are very much enjoying the story of The Bog Baby!

In maths, we have compared the value of numbers and demonstrated our understanding by using the inequality symbols for greater than and less than.  We have ordered numbers backwards and forwards and used a variety of resources to show what we know.  The children have been using amazing maths vocabulary to ‘prove it’ when they give an answer.  Keep it up marvellous Meerkats!

In RE we heard the story of The Good Samaritan, the children thought about whether or not it is easy to always be kind.  They decided that it wasn’t always easy but that it was possible.   We are all trying really hard to be kind and fill our own and others buckets with kindness.  The children have earned lots of gems this week and many of them ‘red’ for friendship. The Meerkat team are very proud of you all.

The children displayed some great teamwork in PE.  They faced a challenged whereby they had to cross the playground but were only allowed to step on the spots.  They had to work together to pass spots along the line to ensure all were able to travel across.  It was fantastic to see such fabulous teamwork – well done Marvellous Meerkats!!

In Life Skills, we looked at how we can show our feeling and how people can be feeling the same but show it in diffident ways.  The children thought it would be a good idea to check in with a friend and ask if they were not sure how a friend was feeling.  We ‘freeze framed’ lots of different feelings - have a look at the pictures – Can you identify the feeling?  The children also suggested different words that could describe the feeling. We are recording all of our discussions and work in a big floor book.

Science has been very exciting this week.  We were hands-on scientists when we had to examine the evidence left in our classroom.  The children had to decide if the animal who had left it, was a carnivore, herbivore or the one who eats everything, the ‘omyomyomm’ omnivore.  The children examined all the evidence before making correct classifications.   We then enjoyed ‘A story about a little mole who knew it was none of his business’ by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch.  Here’s the link if you would like to share it at home.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plzwDLnieAk  The children thought it was a very funny story.

We were very fortunate to have our reader visitor join us this week and she listened to many of the children read.  Please ensure that your child, has their reading journal and book bag book in school daily.

It is now getting a little chillier so please ensure that your child has a coat in school with them.  Also, our Monday PE session is an outside session so please send your child in wearing appropriate PE kit.  Joggers and a school sweatshirt is suitable.

Reminder: Please ensure that your child’s uniform is labelled, especially sweatshirts and cardigans.  Understandably, sometimes children pick up the wrong cardigan or sweatshirt, may I please ask you to check that the sweatshirt or cardigan that has gone home this weekend is your child’s.  Thank you.

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Tuesday. Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team