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Marvellous Mobile Art!

We are almost at the end of Term 1 and what a fantastic term the Meerkats have had.  They have enjoyed a glass workshop, a visit form Rev. Rebecca, been on a trip to Westonbirt and to the church this week to celebrate Harvest, not to mention all the fantastic learning they have been doing growing their brains.  WOW!!  Myself and the Meerkat Team are so proud of them all.  They have jumped into their learning with oodles of enthusiasm, bonded together as a new class and have shown such kindness to each other.  Keep it up marvellous Meerkats.

This week in Maths, we have all been learning and consolidating our number bond knowledge. We have been singing a little song to help us remember. I’m sure your child will share it with you.  We have also begun using our new rekenreks.  These are resources to support the children’s understanding of number value.  We have looked at all the different ways you can make the same number.

In English, we have been identifying nouns to describe Lila, the main character in our story.  The children have used the nouns and adjectives to write sentences describing Lila’s appearance and personality.  I have been especially impressed with how the children have really looked at Lila's behaviour and actions to describe her personality.   To hear the children tell me she is resilient, positive, brave and caring, is fantastic vocabulary and demonstration of inference skills.  The children then created their own story map of the story.

The children focussed their target skills in PE this week.  In teams, they first had to throw bean bags into a hoop before moving onto target practice.  The children showed real skill and accuracy.  We moved the target further away and reduced the size of the target hole.  The children all encouraged each other and showed great skills.

Our shared Art work is almost complete.  The children, inspired by Alex Calder, have made leaves and decorated them in an abstract fashion.  They have used wool, string, foil and tissue paper to create abstract patterns.  The all look individual and fabulous.  Our combined finished piece will be displayed in the classroom.  We have used branches and twigs collected at Westonbirt to hang the leaves.  

We discussed staying safe in Computing this week.  The children identified the different types of devices they use at home and at school and discussed how we stay safe and the rules we must follow when using them.

The children all celebrated the Harvest on Wednesday at All Saints Church.  Well done to the children who represented Meerkat Class and read a Harvest poem. 

Meerkat Class will start their swimming lessons after half term.  Starting Tuesday 31st October.  We still need some parent helpers, without the help we may not be able to go ahead with the lessons.  We plan to leave school at 1.30pm and will be back by 3pm.  If you are available please can you let myself or one of the Meerkat Team know asap.  Swimming will replace our outside PE lesson for Term 2 so children are to wear their outdoor PE kit to school on Tuesday for Term 2.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to our Parent Celebration Event on Monday 16th at 2.30pm.

As the weather is definitely now getting chilly, please ensure that your child has a coat in school each day.  Thank you.

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Wednesday afternoon.  Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team