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Maths and Bog Babies for Leopards

This week, Leopard class have been really creative.

We started off by making our own Bog Babies in English. The children put different features on their Bog Baby and described it using similes and adjectives. Later in the week, they designed a new home for it.

In maths, the children have been comparing numbers using the greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) signs. The children also ordered numbers from smallest to greatest using different apparatus to show their understanding. The children used number lines and completed missing numbers. Year 1s also counted forwards and backwards, using resources to show the numbers getting bigger and smaller.

In PE, the children demonstrated their balances from last week and challenged themselves to change height using a bench. They showed great teamwork and resilience to try the different levels of balances. 

We became fantastic scientists this week as we observed and investigated different samples of poo! We learned about what herbivores, carnivores and omnivores eat, before we used this understanding to discover which sample belonged to which type of animal. They did an amazing job at thinking carefully about their observations.

It is now getting a little chillier so please ensure that your child has a coat in school with them.  Also, our Thursday PE session is an outside session so please send your child in wearing appropriate PE kit.  Joggers and a school sweatshirt is suitable.

Reminder: Please ensure that your child’s uniform is labelled, especially sweatshirts and cardigans.  Understandably, sometimes children pick up the wrong cardigan or sweatshirt, may I please ask you to check that the sweatshirt or cardigan that has gone home this weekend is your child’s.  Thank you.

Starting from this week, we will have two students supporting us in Leopard class. They will be with us until February so please feel free to introduce yourself.

Also, a form to sign up for parents evening will be displayed outside of the classroom. 


Miss McMillan and Leopard Class team :)