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Maths and Matravers for Glow Worms

This week has been full of great learning for Glow Worm class.

We have been looking at equal and unequal groups in maths. We recognised whether groups were equal or not, before having a go at writing an addition sentence and finding the total by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help us. On Wednesday, the children went outside to find ladybirds with an equal number of spots. They really enjoyed this activity! We finished the week with an introduction to arrays.

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to go to Matravers, along with the other year 1 children to help the year 10 children with their leadership assessment. They had a go at different sporting activities in the hall and showed great enthusiasm, resilience and cheered each other on. They were a real credit to watch!

We also completed our learning about Spring this week. The children wrote acrostic poems and recognised what happens to animals and plants during this time of year.

In RE, the children have been looking at Judaism and in particular, Hanukkah. This week, we looked at the Menorah and what it is used for, before understanding the story of Hanukkah. The children took their time to draw the Menorah and then wrote a sentence about what they had learned about it.

On Friday afternoon, we had some fun with music by listening and joining into a song called Knicky Knocky Knacky Knoo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMZqjfhKMZY). We then thought about body percussion and had a go at following the beat to different songs by clapping, stomping etc. 


Great work Glow Worm class!

Miss McMillan



  • It is the early May bank holiday on Monday and a training day on Tuesday. Children will return to school on Wednesday.

  • Mrs Watts will be teaching Glow Worm class on Wednesday morning with Miss McMillan returning in the afternoon. 

  • On Friday, we are off timetable to celebrate the King's coronation and children can come to school dressed as Kings and Queens. They will also need their PE kit for a dance workshop. In the afternoon, we will be having a street party in the playground :)