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Meerkats and Music!

The marvellous Meerkats are going from strength to strength.  The have settled into Term 2 so well, meeting expectations and enthusiastically soaking up all new knowledge – as one said this week ‘we are like sponges’.  Well done magnificent Meerkats – keep it up!

We started a new book in English this week ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins.  We have learnt about the life of the Emperor penguin and found out how he had to first look after the egg and then the penguin chick.  The children got into role and re-enacted the story, from carefully holding the egg on their feet, huddling to keep warm to finally feeding the penguin chick.  The children have sequenced the story and written sentences to explain what is happening.  It was great to see the children building on their new knowledge and including verbs in their written work. 

In maths, the Year 1 children have been ordering and comparing number values.  They have used resources to demonstrate how they know which number is the biggest and which the smallest.  The Year 2 children have been working out values based on facts they know and comparing calculations. 

During story time we have been sharing the story of Isabel in ‘The Invisible’ by Tom Percival.  Here’s the link so you can share it at home too.                                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEMDzKMPz2o

The children have been enjoying their swimming lessons for only a few weeks but already we have seen such progress.  From tentative steps into the pool the first week to full face dunking and fantastic long arms to scoop the water and swim.  Well done Meerkats!  Thank you to the parents and grandparents who join us for swimming each week.  Your support is very much appreciated

In science this week, we have been looking at how we can stay healthy.  We looked at the importance of good hygiene and the children designed posters showing what they learnt. They have also observed how their body is affected by exercise and even gave it a go to see if they could compare their pulse after doing different exercises. 

Last week the children designed a musical instrument and this week they made their instruments – I hope you have all had the chance to enjoy them, they certainly enjoyed making them.  The musical Meerkats then played their instruments to the song they learnt last week, keeping time and rhythm.  What a musical bunch they are!

Next Friday (24th) we will be going on our school trip to Bristol Aquarium. The children will need to wear full school uniform with comfortable shoes and have a small backpack to carry their lunch. All children will be provided with a school pack lunch but you may wish to provide your own. We will leave and return within school time.

The weather has certainly now turned so please ensure that your child has a named waterproof coat in school every day.

New book bag books will continue to be issued every Friday so please do share these with your child.  If you have any unreturned books at home please send them into school next week.  Also, please see the RWI blog to continue to support your child’s reading at home.

Costume letters for our Christmas performance were sent home with the children today.  If you have any queries regarding costumes, please see one of the Meerkat Class team. 

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class every day, and Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week as usual too.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk